Technology behind the Data – Total Hydrocarbon

Jim Shorey

Hydrocarbon gas is commonly measured by instruments with a Flame Ionization Detector

Looking at the schematic shown below in Figure 1-1, we see a basic diagram of a Flame Ionization Detector.  The FID detector requires both Air and Hydrogen to mix and be lit into a small flame.  There is a small jet tube which carries the air sample and hydrogen up to where the flame detector is located.

A Flame Ionization Detector operates by ionizing organic compounds in the air sample stream using the energy of a hydrogen flame. The hydrogen flame oxidizes organic compounds in the air sample to generate carbon dioxide and water. In the process, ions are formed in an electrical field that is generated between a polarized jet where they are mixed with the hydrogen inside the FID at the base of the jet. An external source of air provides the necessary oxygen for the combustion of fuel at the jet.

The Total Hydrocarbon number is displayed in either Parts Per Billion PPB or Parts Per Million PPM.

The data from the Hydrocarbon analyzer can be collected either by Analog Voltage Output or Ethernet Output, to an external datalogger.

Hydrocarbon Analyzer Component Layout

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