Wildfire Smoke and Your Health Workshop 2024\
On March 11th, 2024 the Calgary Region Airshed Zone held a Wildfire Smoke and Your Health Workshop.
Presentations included:
Reducing the risk of wildfire in Banff National Park by Alexandria Jones, Banff National Park Fire Communications Officer |Parks Canada All-Hazards Information Officer, Parks Canada Reducing the Risk of Wildfires in Banff National Park
Wildfire Smoke and Health by Jiayun Angela Yao, PhD, Senior Scientist | Climate Preparedness and Adaptation, BCCDC, Adjunct Professor | School of Population and Public Health, UBC Wildfire Smoke and Public Health
Preparing for a Changing Climate: Implementing Emergency Response Plans for Extreme Heat and Wildfire Smoke in Canmore by Caitlin Miller, MPS, Protective Services Manager/ Director of Emergency Management, Town of Canmore Preparing for a Changing Climate: Implementing Emergency Response Plans for Extreme Heat & Wildfire Smoke in Canmore
Calgary Region Airshed Zone Air Quality Monitoring by Mandeep Dhaliwal, Air Quality Program Manager, Calgary Region Airshed Zone Air Quality Monitoring – CRAZ
Monitoring Wildfire Smoke with Purple Air Monitors by Darcy Coombs, Director of the Bow Valley Clean Air Society Monitoring Wildfire Smoke with PurpleAir Monitors
Community Guide to Wildfire Smoke and Health
Community Guide to Wildfire Smoke and Health
School Guide to Wildfire Smoke and Health
School Guide to Wildfire Smoke and Health
For contact information:
Tanya Carlson
Calgary Region Airshed Zone Engagement Program Manager 403-968-5522 Tanya.carlson@craz.ca
Purple Air Project
The Calgary Region Airshed Zone is collaborating with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to bring Purple Air Monitoring to the region.
Purple Air Monitors are low cost sensors that are used to supplement government air data to provide a better understanding of local-scale air pollution. The level of pollution can change quickly and vary within the same neighbourhood, these monitors provide air quality maps for communities to better protect vulnerable populations.
The PA-II is an air quality sensor that measures real-time PM2.5 concentrations. Built-in WiFi enables the sensor to transmit data to the PurpleAir map, where it is stored and made available to any smart device.
Dimensions: 3.5 in x3.5 in x 5 in (85 mm x 85 mm x 125 mm)
Purple Air Collaborator Information
Teachers Lesson Plan
CRAZ has developed a teacher’s lesson plan that involves students conducting an air quality experiment, graphing their results and creating their own invention to clean the air. Students will understand how air quality can be impacted and how air quality impacts their health. They will also learn how air pollution relates to climate change and identify actions they can take to reduce air pollution.
Grade level and Curriculum link: Grade 5 Science, Investigate relationships between weather phenomena and human activity. Recognize human actions can affect climate and identify human actions linked to the greenhouse effect.
CRAZ will also provide your school with all the materials needed to run this lesson plan!
CRAZ also gives Grade 5 students a free presentation on air quality, and as a little surprise we will bring your school an Idle Free Zone, Turn Engine Off sign to display at your school.
Let’s Make the Invisible Visible Online Learning Plan with Virtual Classroom PowerPoint
Join Professor Airianna on an adventure to learn how air quality can be impacted and how air quality impacts health. Students will learn how air quality relates to climate change and identify actions they can take to reduce air pollution.

CRAZ Educational Resources
Tailpipe Pollution Challenge.pdf
The Air We Share Teacher’s Curriculum.pdf
Tailpipe Pollution Challenge
Want a fun challenge for your co-workers? Try the Tailpipe Polltution Challenge! Check what is coming out of your vehicles tailpipe and compare.

Workplace Commuter Options
CRAZ has developed this toolkit to help organizations foster a more efficient, healthy, and environmentally responsible way for their employees to travel to and from work. This document provides direction and resources that will help you develop a Commuter Options Program for your work place.

For Media Release
CRAZ is a leading source of air quality in the City of Calgary and its surrounding communities. With real time data and specialized staff, CRAZ can guarantee to provide up to date information on what is happening with the air quality at any moment. CRAZ Air Quality Manager, Mandeep Dhaliwal is available to answer questions, give live interviews or tour media of the Ambient Air Monitoring Station on request.
CRAZ has developed toolkits for commuter options, idle-free campaigns, and school “Clean Air” strategies.
CRAZ is an organization that has been set up in partnership with municipal and provincial governments, the public and not for profit sector, and with industry to monitor and manage air quality in the City of Calgary and surrounding communities.
Visit the CRAZ website daily for the Air Quality Health Index, the AQHI provides a number form 1 – 10+ to indicate the level of health risk associated with local air quality.
For more information or questions on the Calgary Region Airshed Zone please email Tanya at Tanya.carlson@craz.ca or phone 403-968-5522.
Ambient Air Monitoring Station Tours
Tours can be given to the public, groups (schools, businesses, non profits, etc), and to media inquiring about air quality data collection.
To book a tour of the Ambient Air Monitoring Station – Central Station please contact Tanya.carlson@craz.ca
2024 CRAZ Annual General Meeting
A great AGM was held on May 28th, 2024.