Membership to Meet Your Needs

As a member of CRAZ you will support air quality monitoring in the airshed as well as the provision of air quality information of interest to a diverse group of stakeholders in the region.
You will join a diverse membership from various disciplines including various industries, multiple levels of government, non-governmental organizations and the public. You will connect with other professionals and volunteers wanting to ensure the ambient air quality in the Calgary region is not harmful to human health and the environment.
Becoming a member enables you to engage and be active while you share your perspective.

Membership Benefits

You will receive a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Access to CRAZ resources, research and studies
  • Networking opportunities with other like-minded organizations and individuals
  • Opportunity to vote or run for the Board of Directors


  • Ability to influence the future of the organization and guide the direction of CRAZ

“ The importance of maintaining our membership in the Calgary Region Airshed Zone – CRAZ, is the ability to access and monitor regional air quality and the available tools to monitor our municipal air. Residents have voiced the importance or concern of air quality and how it relates to their health and that of their families. To show residents the quality of air in our community may influence what they do for an activity that day, what precautions they may have to take if they suffer from one or more various  health conditions such as asthma, lung and heart disease. What we don’t see we often don’t care about -until we do. I encourage Municipal leaders to learn more and support your regional airshed. What you can’t see – can hurt you.“ Ruth Goodwin, Mayor of Black Diamond

“Air Quality is everyone’s business! As we know, AIR knows NO boundaries.  Foothills County actively considers Air Quality with initiatives to reduce dust, odour and other emissions in the areas of transportation, agriculture, planning & development, efficient municipal buildings, policies and implementing a new burn-permit process.” Suzanne Oel, Reeve of Foothills County

Become a Member

If you have any questions regarding membership or if you would like to become a member please email