“Take a big breath of fresh Alberta air. Aren’t we lucky to have good air to breathe?” Lindsay Adams, Elbow Valley Elementary principal opened a special clean air assembly for 275 grade three and four students. The students were keen to see the launch of a new Alberta Airsheds Council (AAC) video that was filmed at Elbow Valley Elementary and featured several young volunteer actors from the school.
Working with the Calgary Region Airshed Zone (CRAZ), the AAC arranged a video screening and discussion with the students about sources of pollution and the impacts it can have. While the video was fun to watch, the anti-idling message is particularly important for this school.
Principal Lindsay Adams noted that, “Emissions from idling are a significant concern for us. We have more than 150 vehicles and 38 buses dropping off and picking up children every day. We are encouraging parents to avoid idling and appreciate the information and resources to help students understand what they can do to keep the air clean.”
Across Alberta, Airsheds provide in-class lessons and presentations for schools and groups. Connecting with elementary school children is an opportunity to help them understand current air quality challenges, including the increase in fine particulate matter in the air and the connection to respiratory concerns such as asthma. It is also a chance to influence behavior and stimulate family discussion.
At Elbow Valley Elementary, the children were encouraged to talk with their parents about walking or biking rather than driving short distances; avoid restaurant drive-thru’s; and most importantly – to turn off vehicles when waiting to pick up and drop off at school.
For information on how to arrange a presentation about air matters at your local school or other event, contact:
Karla Reesor
Tanya Carlson
You can contribute to healthy air quality with a simple act: reduce vehicle idling. Did you know that turning off your vehicle can also stop a zombie invasion? Watch this video to see how!