Monthly Archives: November 2020

These are unprecedented times.  COVID-19 is present everywhere putting us on uncharted paths.  Here’s hoping everyone is in good health and coping well!!

The future has never been more unpredictable in Alberta.   CRAZ is doing everything possible to bring members and stakeholders together to focus on air quality issues in the region.  We know we need to adapt quickly to the changing reality.  CRAZ shifted to virtual committee and board meetings in April and the AGM in September was also held virtually.   Thank you to everyone who participated in all of these meetings.

In times like these, we are reminded of how interconnected we all are.   Thank you for being part of our community; without you, none of our work or achievements would be possible.  Now, more than ever, we need you!!

Currently, we’re doing everything possible to maintain daily operations and continue to engage with our members, volunteers and regional stakeholders.  We need your support more than ever to ensure that we can emerge from this pandemic stronger and healthier.  Please consider becoming a member, check if the municipality you live in is a member, if you work for a company that generates emissions find out if they are members of CRAZ.   Your membership will go a long way to help us emerge stronger and more resilient.

For information on membership fees or sponsorship opportunities, contact us at

We continue to count on and appreciate your support and involvement.  We cannot thank you enough for your past commitment to the airshed zone.  Please help us continue our work and ensure Calgary Region Airshed Zone remains a strong, well-managed organization.   Thank you!

 Jill Bloor

 Jill Bloor, Executive Director

Making the Invisible Visible!


  PURPLE AIR PROJECT The Calgary Region Airshed Zone is collaborating with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to bring Purple Air Monitoring to the region. Purple Air Monitors are low cost sensors that are used to supplement government air data to provide a better understanding of local-scale air pollution. The level of pollution can… Continue Reading