Monthly Archives: June 2019

We are pleased to have the Portable Air Monitoring Lab (PAML) operating in Foothills County for six months to monitor Air Quality. I would like to thank the Calgary Region Airshed Zone (CRAZ) for organizing the Clean Air Day Fair on June 5, 2019, and locating the PAML in the County at the Crescent Point Field House. We look forward to the results of six months of monitoring. Air Quality is everyone’s business! As we know, AIR knows NO boundaries, which we have really experienced significantly with the wildfire smoke last summer and last week, with a forecast to receive more soon. Having PAML at this highly visible location will bring conversation here and create awareness and opportunity for education. Foothills County actively considers Air Quality with initiatives to reduce dust, odour and other emissions in the areas of transportation, agriculture, planning & development, efficient municipal buildings, policies and implementing a new burn-permit process. Also, we participate in provincial South Saskatchewan Regional Plan reporting, are hosting the PAML and continue as a member of CRAZ. Lastly, check out the CRAZ website for data on air quality in the region and for their info on how to respond to wildfire smoke. Visit for the smoke forecast, and download the app for the Air Quality Health Index from
Suzanne Oel
Div. 4 Councillor
Foothills County